Nice-Pak Announce Sustainability Pledges

As an industry leader we consider it our responsibility to help drive change in our area of expertise.

To this end we have made six pledges to help accelerate progress to a more sustainable future.  Our Global Sustainability Pledges include a commitment that plastic-free, sustainable products will feature in every customer proposal from 2020. They also feature strong commitments on packaging, brand transparency and will report of progress in the implementation of our industry’s agreed Code of Practice on ‘Do Not Flush’ labelling.

Publication of the Sustainability Pledges coincides with Nice-Pak launching the ‘ultimate in sustainable baby wipes’.  Its new ‘Nice ‘n Clean Aqualettes’ brand features plastic-free wipes, a pre-biotic formula and 100 per cent recyclable packaging.

Michael Staton, Nice-Pak International CEO, said: “We wanted to take our sustainability efforts to the next level through a series of significant commitments which will apply to our businesses across the globe. Our product development programme reflects the fact that we are fully aligned with customers and consumers on the global significance of environmental issues.

“In Europe, the launch of ‘Nice ‘n Clean Aqualettes’ demonstrates the progress we are making in bringing these principles to life.

“This unique combination of materials from sustainable sources, natural ingredients and recyclable packaging is the result of creativity and determination by our team to ensure we lead the sector in care for the environment.”