Nice-Pak Promote Responsible Wipe Disposal on World Toilet Day

November 19th marks World Toilet Day and, whilst many may take the toilet for granted, the UN point out that the humble loo can help to save lives by preventing the spread of deadly  diseases.  They highlight that some 4.2 billion people live without safely managed sanitation (i.e. more than half the global population) and that inadequate sanitation is estimated to cause 432,000 diarrheal deaths every year. Source: ( WTD2019_factsheet_2019)

It is therefore important that we both protect our health and look after the loo. As a manufacturer of wet wipe products we proactively promote responsible product disposal as part of a co-ordinated industry approach.  We consistently promote to our customers the prominent display of the ‘Do Not Flush’ symbol on all packs of non-flushable products leaving our factories.

We ask all consumers to look out for on-pack disposal instructions. The vast majority of wipes are designed to be disposed of in a bin these include baby wipes, cosmetic wipes and household cleaning wipes. If in doubt DO NOT FLUSH.

Other common household items that should not be flushed include:

  • Waste cooking oil, fat or grease
  • Sanitary protection – tampons, applicators and pads
  • Condoms
  • Cotton balls and buds
  • Cigarettes
  • Paper towels
  • Dental Floss